Ads Management Services

MCA Leads


Ads Management Services

Lead Tycoons is happy to invite you to join our Ads Management Services.  Below is your Onboarding Questionnaire.  We understand you may not have all of the information necessary right away to fully complete the questionnaire.  If you don't have the information requested, just leave the question blank and we'll obtain this information from you later on.  

After completing the Questionnaire, we will review it and ultimately send you the Month-to-Month Servicing Agreement which outlines Scope of Work Services, Policies, Terms, Conditions, Payment Authorization, and Request to Access to Your Google Ads Account.  If you do not have an existing Google Ads Account, we will help you get one established.  

Question # 1 

What is your Google Ads Customer ID Number?

Your Company Name?

Current Website URL

Financing Services You Offer? (E.g. Business Credit, Equipment Financing, MCA)

Geographic Area Focus:  (If Nationwide Leave Blank)

State Exclusions:

How do you want to Receive Your Leads?

Designated Number to Inbound Calls to Your Company? (We Can Provide a Call Tracking Number with Dashboard Access - Please Discuss with your Account Manager).

Preferred Ads Schedule?

Starting Out Budget Amount?  

Other Details You Feel is Important?


Leave this empty:

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Document name: Ads Management Services
lock iconUnique Document ID: 468dfc055ca848123f67003dfc66a51a805a9198
Timestamp Audit
August 27, 2021 4:34 pm ESTAds Management Services Uploaded by Jason Bishop - IP